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Ford measures the impact of its TV campaigns with

en ford vignette
Ford, one of the world's leading car manufacturers, decided in 2023 to launch a TV campaign to coincide with the Open House. The aim of the campaign was to increase brand awareness and generate qualified traffic in dealerships. Ford decided to work with Admo.TV to measure the effectiveness of its campaign, which was broadcast in a sporting context.




Broadcast days

+ 3 000

Commercials aired

+ 7,5%

immediate Uplift
For the Open Days in September, Mindshare, in partnership with its client Ford, developed a TV campaign tailored to the context, with the aim of boosting its client's brand awareness and generating traffic in dealerships. This key period was full of sporting events, with the Rugby World Cup taking place in France.

To keep a close eye on the performance of this TV campaign, Ford, supported by its agency Mindshare, decided to work with to track all its adverts and measure the results of the various A/B tests carried out during the broadcast. Should the dates of open days, a special offer or the brand's 120th anniversary be mentioned to generate maximum traffic? Do certain channels or time slots perform better than others?

All these questions about TV advertising impact have been studied by's dedicated team of Media Analysts, we'll share some of the results with you just below!
Ford Puma
A favourable TV context to promote Open Days
Throughout the campaign,'s technology detected TV commercial broadcasts and analysed visits to the manufacturer's website by TV viewers. The results can then be analysed from a number of angles: the days on which the ad was broadcast, the times, the channels, the creative version and the context, i.e. the programmes broadcast before and after the ad was shown.

After an initial campaign tracked over Q2 2023, the brand has decided to capitalise on the excitement surrounding the Rugby World Cup at home to communicate while varying the channels, dayparts and creative during the 16 days of broadcasting.

Here are some of the results of the September campaign:

·  + 7.5% immediate uplift, i.e. the average increase in traffic immediately after a spot is broadcast.

·  + 3.5% overall uplift, i.e. the overall increase in traffic generated by television over the campaign as a whole.

·  More than 500 visits/spot on average to the adverts broadcast around the Rugby World Cup peak matches on TF1, an outperformance of 9.3% compared with the average.

· Day parts and named days identified as more attractive for reaching a responsive target. They may be preferred for future campaigns.

All the recommendations made by our teams, together with the presentation of the results, enable Ford to adjust its media plan accordingly for future campaigns, whether in terms of CTAs in creative, broadcast dates or the channels to favour in order to reach the most qualified audience.
As part of our ongoing drive for media efficiency, Admo.TV enables us to optimise Ford TV investments in order to maximise the drive-to-web impact of TV campaigns. Ultimately, it's our customer's business that benefits.
The Multiscreen Mindshare team
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